Need Food?
Address: 530 Sandridge Rd., Bowling Green, OH
"This organization is the best. The people are fantastic. They will help anyone in need. I can't thank them enough for everything they do."
Brown Bag Food Project client
How do I pick up food from Brown Bag Food Project?
Any resident of Wood County, Ohio who is going through a tough time can pick up food from Brown Bag Food Project once a month. If you live in another county, please call 211 to find your local food pantry.
How do I get food?
We are a drive-thru pantry and are open Monday, Wednesday, Friday 5:00-6:30pm (closed on holidays)
Across the street from Brown Bag on Sandridge Rd. (at the Montessori school) there is a car line. Please drive to the end of the line and wait.
A volunteer will come to your car and ask you for your information: Address, Name/Birthdate of everyone in your household and if you have any special dietary needs (e.g. peanut allergy).
One car at a time will drive to the front of the Brown Bag building. Food will be brought out by volunteers.
In order to pick up food, you must be in line by 6:30pm.
If you are picking up for someone who is not in the car, that person must call or email us in advance to approve the pickup. No exceptions.
We are an all-volunteer organization and we promise that our team is working as fast as we can to help everyone. We appreciate your patience if the line is long.
What if I can't make it to Brown Bag?
If you are not able to arrange for a ride or someone to pick up your food, we have a partnership with the United Way to provide delivery.
To schedule a delivery please call 2-1-1 (or 800-650-4357) and select option 5.
Contact us
Phone: 419-960-5345
Address: 530 Sandridge Rd., Bowling Green, OH 43402
Hours of operation
Monday 5:00pm-6:30pm
Wednesday 5:00pm – 6:30pm
Friday 5:00pm – 6:30pm
In order to let our volunteers spend time with their families, we are closed on all major holidays.