Other Food Pantries

United Way "211"

Did you know the United Way is available to help you any day at any time? Simply call or text the phone number "211" and you will be connected to all of the services available to you.

This is a free phone call to help you find services no matter what you are going through. 

Help is available for food, housing and more.

Other Food Pantries in Bowling Green

419 Gould Street

Bowling Green

Phone: (419) 353-5174 

1526 E. Wooster St. 

Bowling Green

(419) 353-0682

150 S Enterprise Street

Bowling Green, OH

Phone: (419) 352-4195 

425 Thurstin Ave

Bowling Green, OH

Phone: (419) 352-7555 

109 Central Hall BGSU
